Monday, December 2, 2013

Course Reflections


We've come to the end of the road.

Before I send you off on your way, it's time to reflect a bit on the class, our goals, successes, and struggles.

      What DID you learn this semester?
      What struggles did you have?
 Looking back to the syllabus, these were the goals for the course:

Course Learning Outcomes:
1.      Students will demonstrate the steps in the writing process including invention, organization, drafting, revising, and editing.
2.      Students will demonstrate an awareness of audience and purpose in their communication choices.
3.      Students will write in multiple modes of expression.
4.      Students will understand the collaborative and social aspects of the writing process.
5.      Students will use appropriate research and documentation strategies.
     Quick Write Assignment -- Write independently:

                                                               i.      Write a brief letter to next year’s students. How would you describe this class? What does he or she need to know about this class? What can you tell him or her about writing, reading or learning for this class? What did you need to do to be successful in this course?
     Then, get into groups of 2-4 to share what you’ve written.
     As a group, develop a list of advice for next year’s students.
    As a class, we'll be making a collaborative blogpost about this that I can share with my next semester's students.

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