Monday, December 2, 2013

Advice to Next Semester's Students


  • Do your work!
  • Put effort into your papers
  • Arrive on time -- most of the information is in the beginning (like announcements)
  • One must learn to take criticism and opinions on your writing and grammar, in both peer review, CLE/Smartthinking and Ms. Hoerth's comments
  • Read the rubrics!
  • Be organized! Otherwise, at the end of the semester, you'll be doing five essays!
  • Don't procrastinate
  • One must actually READ the assignments. They'll be quizzes, and the chapters actually help you with the essays, especially if you don't have a lot of experience
  • Be sure to take notes. The examples are really helpful.
  • Take advantage of the extra credit! 
  • Own your writing. Make it interesting and write about what you want.
  • Don't plagiarize! You'll get caught. 
  • Don't throw away your work. Save your essays, especially.
  • Don't leave early.
  • Check the calendar for due dates. They're all there! 
  • The blog is your best friend. Write down the right website (actually write it down. You can't google it).
  • Have fun. 
  • Get the book. You'll need it.
  • Writing isn't as hard as it seems. Break it down into little steps and if you're lost, follow the formats
  • Don't be afraid to voice your opinions. Speak up in class! And in your writing, too. 
  • Learn to work with others and don't criticize them harshly. Constructive criticism is helpful, though


Don't procrastinate
Be like a sponge; absorb everything that's being taught
Dedication and willpower are needed
Take notes
Quizzes pop up at any time! Be ready.
Read the chapters ahead of time and buy the book on amazon (it's a lot cheaper)
Turn in all essays
You must have self-discipline when it comes to due dates
Be open to change and learn
Do not skip -- you miss out on important material and you get credit for assignments
Take advantage of extra credit
Read and observe essays of the same genre. They'll assist you in the production of your own
Remember why you're here. It'll keep you motivated and determined
Do not be lazy.
Do not be late. Announcements are in the beginning of class
Check the blogspot.
Give yourself enough time to work on each essay
Hit up the CLE often.
Don't be scared to ask questions.
Take part in peer review
Don't plagiarize -- you'll get caught.
It's a plus if you like poetry (most of the extra credits are poetry!).
Be creative because that's what catches the reader's eye, and that's what you need to be successful

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