Monday, October 7, 2013

Cause/Effect Essay

Hah. Hah. Hah.
Our next essay focuses on cause and effect relationships.You'll be analyzing and explaining why events happen and have happens as a result of them.

Your cause/effect essay must include an introduction with a clear thesis statement (that lets the reader know if you're discussing cause, effect or both).
You'll also need developed body paragraphs that utilize a pattern of development. Make use of transition words, too.

MLA format is required for this assignment.

Here are a few options (more at the end of chapter 17/18):

1. Explain the causes of a bad day you recently experienced
2. Write an essay about the effects of winning a large cash prize
3.Young children frequently ask why. Chose a why question you have been asked by a child. Write an essay answering your question. Your audience is young children. (Example: Why is the sky blue?)
4. Write an essay explaining the effects of a stressful situation
5. Write a letter to the dean of academic affairs at your school about a problem. Discuss causes, effects, or both and propose a solution.

 And of course, how you'll be graded:

Cause and Effect Essay Rubric

For your rough drafts, we'll be doing conferences. Be sure to sign up for an appointment to meet with me! Draft is due during your meeting with me.
Revisions due on October 21st.

We'll be meeting in the classroom, but you only need to come to your scheduled conference time. I'll post up the schedule here on the blog once I get it solidified.

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