Sunday, September 15, 2013

Process Analysis Essay Assignment

Your next assignment will be to write a Process Analysis Essay.

Process analysis essays are similar to what you may know as a "how-to" paper, but there's a little more to them than that. They explain in a step-by-step fashion how something works or how it is made.

For this assignment, I'll be looking more closely at your essay organization. Of course, you'll need an introduction that includes all necessary elements: attention grabber, topic, thesis (what process you're explaining and why it's important), and gives the reader a sense of how your essay is going to be organized.

Your conclusion will also need to wrap up the essay and tie back into the topic/thesis.

Make sure your essay follows a pattern of organization. Most Process Analysis essays are ordered chronologically, but if yours follows a different pattern, just be sure that it's clear to your reader.

Your essay will also need to provide some background information. Sometimes with process analysis papers, we need to use specialized terms, or jargon, that a general audience may not be familiar with. You'll need to make sure you define them for your readers.

And finally, this essay will need to be a minimum of two pages, double spaced (typed).


As for your topics, there are some suggestions at the end of chapter 13 (14 for the 5th edition). Here are a few:

1. How to find enough time for your children
2. How to remain calm while giving a speech
3. How important it is to exercise every day
4. Describe the strategies used to meet new people and develop friendships
5. How to relax and do nothing

Here's the rubric

Outline Form

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